
Never Lost

In a moment,

I decided to trust

just a little more

in my own experience —

just to see

what it would be like

to connect with a deeper me.

And so began

the most natural movement

as one by one

and without a thought,

I set down all that had seemed

so impossible

and so heavy

for so long

and this one moment began

to flow into the next.

And though there was still pain,

I knew that I was

forever changed

and would never be lost.

12 thoughts on “Never Lost”

    1. Yes… When I really want to feel connection.. I feel… I drop my thoughts and even my writing for a bit… and I just feel. ♡ I listen and feel. I love the song. Wow. It feels really good.
      “Right here.” 😊

      Liked by 1 person

Notes :)