Continuing On

A Little Lighter

I found life

continued to unfold —

each of us

doing our best

to listen

to our own quiet prayer,

getting lost

and returning

again and again

to silence.

I found it a bit


after a while —

all the trying

to understand and


And so I continued on

as a part of

the mystery —

a little lighter —

participating without ever

leaving the space

within my deepest heart

and just below

the surface.

14 thoughts on “A Little Lighter”

  1. When you can be aware that you are trying so hard to understand and interpret, it can be very funny to see yourself doing this. The challenge is to even notice that this is what is happening. That drive to understand, to make sense, to analyze, this can cause so much pain–we project our ideas of what should be instead of staying with the direct experience of what is. I’d dearly love to stay present more and more and more, to be in this direct experience, to put down the burden of interpretation. And just laugh and laugh. ❀ πŸ™‚ ❀

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    1. I love to laugh. I just listened to that Mooji say today that all that other stuff we try to figure out and sort out is really getting more deeper into mind.
      It took me a long time to get what was happening. The usual treatment for anorexia — where I started from– goes to that place that didn’t help. It’s interesting. It’s funny now..But not so much back then. πŸ’œ

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      1. I like that too. Coming from a woman who has spent so much time agonizing inside her own mind…it’s so freeing to realize that we don’t have to keep looking at that. It doesn’t have to be fixed or addressed. We can simply redirect our awareness.

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  2. Yes, I know that feeling too. I find it really comforting to think that the reason I wasn’t brought to certain ideas and information sooner is that it simply wasn’t the right time. Imagine, living in a mind that sees everything happening at the perfect time? You’d never be late, even if the whole rest of the world said you were! You’d always be right on time. πŸ™‚ ❀

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Notes :)