10 thoughts on “As a Prayer”

  1. This is really beautiful πŸ™‚ thanks for posting and sharing it, I love your poetry and find it so uplifting and encouraging, sending new year wishes, Em

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  2. Amazing all the trying goes away and effort. Thank you for this. This is the first place I came today I needed a prayer and here it is. I’m listening to this song a lot lately. I love you ❀️

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    1. I think this reminds me of how I use my little poems to stay centered…Not too far in or out or up or down. I explore then let go of everything and focus here. Just interesting. Not that I need to figure out. But it’s fun tryingπŸ˜‚

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      1. It is fun! I am always trying to figure out as you know! It’s my nature to question and seek. I am making myself tired from it I think. So thankful in the letting go and seeing what comes back gently so thankful for you! ❀

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Notes :)