

When time seemed to

speed up

and the challenges were

too big for a fractured part

of self,

it became necessary to


There was a willingness

to keep my heart open to

the remembrance of

what I had come here

to share.

Life became a continuous,

delicate and sacred transformation

into tenderness.

15 thoughts on “Remembrance”

    1. Hi! I’ve been a bit quiet. All is well. Small challenges feel like turbulance on the surface. But always peace underneath ♡. My daughter is 10 and keeps me pretty busy…plus all her little pets with different needs. (I have a cat in a cone. Lol. A turtle and sweet parakeets and puppy Lol. I wrote my 4th book “What Now; Transdormation into Tenderness” and I am riding that knowing that all is unfolding into more tenderness. My husband also got a promotion and so I’ve been finding the balance of my family. It’s so good to get your note. I haven’t been around wordpress much, but I’m always over here quietly carrying on ♡ much love! I go through spurts of writing and visiting too. 🙂


      1. I wish you all the best as always dear Laurie and I’m grateful to hear back from you. You are always close to my heart. I am so proud of you! Big healing love-filled hugs my dear friend. xoxo

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Notes :)