15 thoughts on “For a While”

  1. I was going to say that always looking for a way out was my pattern till Alex’s doctor said why do that becuase YOU are always moving with You so YOU might as well stop and face You. That’s why I stopped running away when he said that to Alex. But then I met you and you helped me face the deeper reason for my running and truthfully I cannot remember why I ever wanted to run. Maybe to stop the pain . Thank you for showing me this beautiful truth and solidifying in my heart why that Doctor sai to me when Alex was 14. Life doesn’t alway make sense till after when we look baby at the journey as see oh yes this good. Hope the made sense. I woke up and got reedy doe work today and realized it’s Saturday. Geez I need a break I thought I’ll sit on the back porch no watch the sun rise and my beautiful wildflower glistening in the morning dew. Beautiful way to start the day! I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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