

When I have let go

of so much,

when my body is tired

and my spirit is too,

when I can’t see

a break in the story,

remind me of the calm

just beneath the surface,

the slightest change

of positioning,

and that little bit

of backing up

so that I may

retrace my steps

to even greater reprieve.


16 thoughts on “Reprieve”

  1. Yes, I needed this reminder today. I had a discussion with someone who thought Women’s Rights is not something we need to pay attention to nowadays. I got so so sooo upset, but I know I can’t change him and I have to just let it go….

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    1. Hugs, Trini sweetheart. They can do nothing about it and of course they don’t like it at all that She rises. Silence is the language of the Goddess (“of God”, said Rumi); all else is poor translation. Let me whisper to your regal Moon that there are many committed Brothers like me on your side, peaceful warriors working quietly like beloved Laurie’s prayers. More and more awaken… (My reply to you is soon ready.) ❤ Leon

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      1. And rest assured, Trini our sweetness, that you did act wisely by speaking out. Even if such people make you feel that your fighting to teach them a valuable lesson is a waste of breath, your energy does settle in them at some point, it does change everything through the aether, there IS a time for everything, and peaceful warriors are no victims!

        I also watched the second version below all teary-eyed with Laurie’s precious daughter in my heart and mind.

        Here’s a huuuge group hug! I love you all sooo much, Dear Ones!

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      2. Awe. My daughter is a drummer. How perfect is that? We travel to another town twice a month for lessons. This summer she changed her whole identity..becoming a “tomboy” so she could stand up for her friends and not be picked on. So precious to watch. I agree speaking out is not wasted. My daughter changed her name and everything. I also yell at my husband quite often 🙂 and I am amazed that something does reach a higher place. Your words are so helpful. Thank you.

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      3. Awe of Awe. A superhero of a daughter and a treasure of a mom who stands up for her so she can pass it on. Please always trust HHS (Hubby’s Higher Self), and when HLS doubts the purpose of your yelling, feel your own strong connection, and all of us in your heart, and stand firm! However fragmented his own light, it cannot but be instantly feeling and later acknowledging your knowing the difference between hysteria and divine guidance. All is well, Laurie. Nothing to be too amazed at; it’s just this overwhelming empathy and heaven always listening. Your love and prayers are sooo important and I am ever grateful for you myself.

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  2. 💛 What strange times these are. I really don’t know what I would do without having done the inner looking. I’m amazed at how it seems we humans just keep going as if big leaps in our evolution aren’t needed. I learned quickly that my quiet voice/ poetry can most often be heard louder than screaming (even though I often feel like screaming.. and sometimes do. 💙💛)

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Notes :)