Unsorted, Within the Mystery

Reconnection With Sacredness

Life took on a welcome


The ability to create

a lighter, more playful relationship

with thought offered

a new kind of reprieve.

There was a renewed trust

in the two-way communication

with life

and a reconnection with

sacredness that made being alive

begin to make a little more sense.

Continuing On


Sometimes the only thing

I knew to do

was to keep going,

which undoubtedly meant

surrendering to the creative flow

of life.

And so there was the

painful dropping of pieces

I had held so carefully

and an understanding

I seemed to have with God

that I would sometimes

hold on a little longer,

push ahead,

lose my center,

and struggle to find any

resemblance of grace.

But I would always keep going.


From a State of Prayer

There was pain in returning to wholeness. It was painful to reach back to parts of myself stuck in the past. And it was painful to begin to feel the pain of others as my own pain.

But there was no turning back. There was a tenderness in tapping into truth that I was unwilling to let go of again. And so I continued to meet each unfolding moment from a state of prayer — trusting in life to meet me. It felt like a huge risk, but  I had been in that place before.

Continuing On, Softening


During times

of great shifting,

when emotions were


and bodies

and minds tired

most easily

with each added thought

and moment of


I found it was

possible to return

my focus

to the stillness


and count every

single piece of

wisdom gained as valuable —

while being willing

to hold it

lightly —

remaining unafraid

to release all

into the creative space

I learned to

embrace again

and again,

each time a little more


as I continued on.



This pain

you feel

is not separate

from the pain of

the world.

But it does not

define who or what

or where you are.

You must keep


Don’t look only

for relief

or some explanation

or label

to describe

what is on the surface.

Don’t look

to the world

for this.

You may find

these kinds

of answers.

But they will be

surface answers.

Look deeper.

Keep searching

until your heart

begins to speak


Always listen

to your heart,

even if it seems

so subtle that you

have to strain

just to feel some kind

of faint whisper.

It will

become louder.

May it lead you

